Monday 24 August 2015

A Rainbow of Politicians

The Vacillant  politician is not sure where her fortunes lie
With no strong conviction, vision or purpose and nothing to opine; 
She allows the wind to take her along
And to resist that carrot she isn't strong!

The one who says the right things at the wrong time
Or, simply the things that aren’t worth a dime!
The Idiotic political quotient is quite limited
Compensated by a high entertainment quotient, instead.

This politician is well lettered and knows the moves of the game
And that is the Intelligent politicians claim to fame!
Sometimes perceived as elite and sometimes a threat,
He could contribute greatly if the others knew their bet.

With no idea of politics, governance or policy,
The Ignorant politician is there, fait accompli!
But beware, this politician often comes 
With a scheming spouse who beats the drums.

Much like a mirage he is not what you see
Manipulative and cunning as can be!
A man of few words, this politician is Illusive,
Your guess on his next move may be inconclusive.

Suave, knowledgeable and the most Balanced of them all
This politician is well placed and can never fall!
She knows when to speak and what to say
And when to follow and when to lead the way.

The one you see on a television debate
Bringing aggression and belligerence on his plate;
Causing the ‘ din-factor’ to a discourse
He is the Bellicose politician, ofcourse!

Secure in his space, he is hard to come by
With everyone being friendly he does try!
Gracious and polite with all of them
The Genial politician is a gem.

A great lexicon he puts on display
To his bombastic language people will sway;
With the ability to leave his listeners confused
The Grandiloquent politician is often misused!

Wet behind the ears is the Young politician
Armed with a naive sense of ambition;
Ideas misplaced, displaced, common-place et al,
A great career awaits her is she can last the long haul!

And then, there’s the one who’d never let go
Even the slightest chance to give the opponent a blow;
A mountain out of a mole hill he will make,
The Opportunist politician for browny points to rake!

The Reluctant one is pushed into the fray
Because his mother said that’s the only way!
And the Resentful one has never ever seen
A day of power as long as her career has been.

A colourful palette the politicians do make
The future of a country they hold at stake!
Not quite Wordsworth’s rainbow in the sky,
Yet to them we cannot close our eye.

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